Dr. B R Ambedkar Quotes in Hindi | डॉ. भीमराव अम्बेडकर के अनमोल विचार


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Dr. B R Ambedkar Quotes in Hindi Images

Ek Mahanayak: Dr. BR Ambedkar – Series To Bring Dr. Ambedkar’s Story Alive
“He (Dr. Ambedkar) fought for one India. you'll get to ascertain his journey since the time he was five years aged till the top,” Prasad said here on Tuesday.

Historian and researcher on the lifetime of Ambedkar, Professor Hari Narke, has lent his expertise to the upcoming show, which is written by Shanti Bhushan and directed by Imtiaz Punjabi.

Bhushan feels there's such a lot to inform, and not much has been taught about Ambedkar in history.

“He was one of the most important leaders of our country. He not only wanted freedom from British but also wanted a change in society,” he said and hopes that folks are inspired by Ambedkar’s story.

Actor Jagannath Nivangune feels fortunate to be a neighborhood of the show. “I play Ambedkar’s father. I even have been working in Marathi theatre and Marathi serials for long. this is often my first Hindi serial,” he said.

He is paired with Neha Joshi within the show. “I am going to be seen as Ambedkar’s mother. It’s an enormous responsibility. I hope it inspires the oldsters of today,” she said.

Shinde, who has just bound up the fictional Hindi show “Rajaa Beta”, feels “Ek Mahanayak: Dr. BR Ambedkar” may be a huge responsibility.

“It is additionally a matter of pride to point out it to you. it's not an unknown concept. it's been written with tons of emotions,” she said.

The show, produced by Smruti Shinde’s SOBO Films, will premiere on December 17 on &TV.

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26 January DP,1,Chanakya Neeti,1,Desh Bhakti,1,Doctor Shayari,1,Dosti Shayari,1,Dr. B R Ambedkar,1,Father's Day,2,Festival,8,Friendship Day,1,Gautam Buddha,1,Good Morning Shayari,1,Great indian,11,Guru Gobind Singh Ji,1,Holi,1,Indian God,8,Janmashtami Shayari,1,Jay Shree Ganesh,1,Jay Shree Krishna,1,Jay Shree Ram,1,Jay Shree Swaminarayan,1,Kabir Ke Dohe,1,Love Shayari,1,MahaDev Status,1,Maharana Pratap,1,Mahavira Swami,1,Mother’s Day,1,Motivational,13,Motivational Shayari,1,Navratri Status,1,Pollution,1,Rabindranath Tagore,1,Raksha Bandhan,1,Ramakrishna Paramahansa,1,Ruthne Manane Ki Shayari,1,Sadhguru,1,Sandeep Maheshwari,1,Shivaji Maharaj,1,Shivratri Status,1,Smile Shayari,1,Subhas Chandra Bose,1,Swami Vivekananda,1,Teachers Day,1,Uttrayan,1,Valentine Day,1,Whatsapp Status,24,Women's Day,1,World Day,4,
Gujju Powers: Dr. B R Ambedkar Quotes in Hindi | डॉ. भीमराव अम्बेडकर के अनमोल विचार
Dr. B R Ambedkar Quotes in Hindi | डॉ. भीमराव अम्बेडकर के अनमोल विचार
Gujju Powers - dr bhimrao ambedkar quotes, br ambedkar quotes, dr br ambedkar quotes, dr br ambedkar quotes in hindi, br ambedkar quotes in hindi, dr br ambedkar slogan in english, baba saheb quotes in hindi, bhim rao ambedkar quotes, bhimrao ambedkar quotes, dr babasaheb ambedkar slogan in hindi,
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